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Sunday, December 19, 2010

November Senior Hours

Okay so great job getting hours in this month, but a few things. 1. PLEASE make sure you write the hours legibly. Use something other then your shorthand and a giant marker that fills up the whole page. 2. I am capping hours where they end, not when you write down you leave. For the secret santa shop, many of you wrote down time out at some ridiculous time. I know when it ended. Don't lie. Same with caroling. I was there. I know it did not take that long. Each caroling event counts as one hour.3. There were hours in the box from last-last meeting that were put there after the deadline; they were not counted. 4. Adopt a Family hours have yet to be counted.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

December 14 Notes

Here's a summary of what we went over in the meeting on Tuesday:
-The Adopt-a-Family Fundraiser is still going on! If you want to participate, you must bring in your $25 to Hilary by Thursday, December 16. We strongly encourage you to bring in cash, but if you must write a check, make it out to Mt. Hebron High School. Any late money will not be accepted and will not count toward your hours.
-Gift wrapping at the Columbia Mall has been canceled, but you can still get some hours wrapping gifts after school on Monday, December 20, and Tuesday, December 21, from 2:15pm-3:15pm.
-We are desperately in need of tape, gift wrap, and gift tags for the after school wrapping next week. If you can, please bring these items in ASAP! If you bring a receipt, you will be reimbursed for your purchase.
-Girls, do you have a gently used prom dress? Please consider donating it to the Prom Dress Collection. See Maryssa Timberlake for more details.

Monday, November 8, 2010

October Hours

Lincy Abraham-- 4 in
Agree Ahmed--5 in
Jess Albrecht-- 4 in
Laura Asher-- 5 out
Lauren Bernstein-- 3 in
Natalie DiProspero-- 4 in
Julie Ervin--3 in
Joe Humm-- 2.5 in
Ashly James--4 in
Monika Johnson-- 4 in, 3 out
Adeola Lawal-- 8 out
Ningwei Li-- 4 in
Allie Lundell-- 1 in
Steven Mertz-- 4 in
Joe Piegols-- 2 in
Corinne Straube-- 8 in, 9 out
Jacqui Symon--4 in
Maryssa Timberlake-- 4 in
Paul Tshirgi-- 14 in
Shannon Vogan-- 4 in
Tyler Wiessnes-- 1 in
Diana Winter-- 5 in, 1 out
Emmeline Zhu-- 2 in

Great job with service hours, keep it up! Remember on your hour sheets, you MUST specify what kind of service you did; just listing "service" or "volunteer work" will not suffice. We need to know what kind of service you do so we can keep track of in and out of school hours (out of school hours are capped at 10).

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12 Attendance and Notes

If you are unable to attend one of the meetings, you need to either write a note and stick it in the red NHS box in Mrs. Ammann's room or send me an email no later than the day of the meeting. I need something IN WRITING, so please don't just come up to me in the hallway and tell me that you can't attend. Members who fail to do this will be given an unexcused absence. Two unexcused absences in one school year will put you in bad standing and may result in your dismissal from NHS.

Practices do not count as an excused absence. I plan to make a form that one of the sponsors can sign excusing you from missing the first part of your sports practice due to the meeting.

I am also going to put the attendance lists on the blog so you can check your absences and find any errors I might have made.

We went over a lot of information today. Here's a brief overview of what we did in case you weren't able to attend:
-Reviewed hours, dues, and attendance policies: in-school vs. out-of-school hours, $10 dues needed ASAP, excused vs. unexcused absences, etc
-Discussed available tutoring opportunities
-Sign-ups for service opportunities in October and November: 50+ EXPO 10/15, Haunted House 10/22-10/23, Bird atrium 10/23, Hospice fundraiser 10/24, Autism 5K 11/6

October 12 Hours

Okay, so here are the senior hours I received for this meeting. There were a couple of you who I emailed with issues, and once resolved, I'll update your hours. Remember to sign up for service opps!

Laura Asher: 2 in
Monika Johnson: 4 in, 2 out
Adeola Lawal: 50m. in, 8 out
Michael Marino: 3 out
Kevin Shade: 3.5 in
Corinne Straube: 4 in

ALSO, for those of you not in good standing, I emailed you your status and you must make up these hours. Otherwise, you are subject to being dismissed.

Friday, June 11, 2010

End of the Year Reminder

Okay, so there are still 10 of you who have not completed your hours requirements for this year. I had to cap off the out of school hours at 10, so even if you had more than that, I cannot count them. There is one more service opportunity left next Friday, the 18th, at Dunloggin, but it's during the 4A final. If you don't have one or you already took it, I would suggest going. Otherwise, you'll be starting next year in bad standing and you'll have to make up your hours then.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

More May/June Hours

Anthony Gioia- 3.5 in
Stephanie Kwon- 2 in
Kevin Shade- 2 in
Elizabeth Tawa- 3. 75 in, 1.5 out
Paul Walker- 2 in
Hamza Raja - 3 in

Notes from June 8th

In case you weren't at the meeting this past Tuesday, here's what you missed:

-school grounds clean-up after school
-Dunloggin Fun Day during 4A final if you have already taken your final
-turn in hours by Friday, June 11th or else you will begin next year in bad standing
-summer hours do NOT count toward your hours for next year

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

June 8th Hours

Laura Asher- 5 in, 2 out
jackie Dawson- 5 in
Zach Fernande- 7 in, 8 out
Alyssa Halper- 2 in
Adeola Lawal- 11 in
Maryssa Timberlake- 3.5 in
Liz Trainer- 2 in
Imani Williams- 2 out

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

blog fun

Hey this is a test run for the new NHS secretaries! :)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Congratulations New Officers!

Congrats to our new NHS officers elected and chosen by the junior class for the 2010-2011 school year!

President: Jay Ritch
Vice President: Liz Tawa
Treasurer: Hilary Andreas
Secretaries: Rachel Sullivan, Becky Schumm, Natalie DiProspero

New Officers-Please speak to Madame or Mrs. Sankey today!

Also, there will be a new officer meeting with the current executive board on Wednesday, May 26th, immediately after school in Madame's room.

Senior stoll pickup is Thurs, May 27th after school in Madame's room

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hours from May 22

Brian Farruggia--4 in
Brian McCarter--12.5 in
Amanda Strem--8 in
Olivia Vo--6 out

Sara Albrecht--4 in
Lena Carmona--1.5 in
Alyssa Halper--3 in, 4 out
Ashly James--2 in
Diana Winter--2 in, 4 out

Friday, May 21, 2010

Stoll Pickup


Please pick up your stolls in Madame's room (105) on Thursday, May 27 right after school. If you cannot make it after school on Thursday, please pick them up Friday morning, May 28th, before school. You must have completed at least 20 hours to wear a stoll to graduation.

Becky Yep

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

NHS Election Candidates 10-11

Remember to cast your votes in Mrs. Sankey's room! This week only!!!

Ben Borchers
Jay Ritch
Margaret Tian
Ryan Greene
Ningwei Li

Vice President:
Jackie Dawson
Corinne Straube
Liz Tawa

Shalini Ray
Hilary Andreas
Byung Kim
Alexandria Lundell

Natalie DiProspero
Laura Asher
Becky Schumm
Rachel Sullivan

Hours from May 18

Kate Arsenault--5.5 in
Lindy Bernhardt--7 in
Chris Carrese--2 in, 10 out
Karen DiGangi--3.5 in
Lauren Fiasconaro--6.5 in, 4 out
Chris Fieldhouse--3.5 in
Megan Frey--7 in
Jordan Greene--7.5 in
Patrick Groh--3.5 in, 5.5 out
Gina Knight--10 in
Tyler Knight--6 out
Ajay Kurup--5 in
Constantine Matsakis--1 in
Brian McCarter--2 in
Kevin McNerney--2 in, 2 out
Emily Naviasky--5.5 in
Jed Nieves--5.5 in
Emily Roenigk--9 in
Stuart Russell--1 in, 3 out
Alex Song--7.5 in
Kathleen Stafford--4 in
Amanda Strem--1 in
Kellie Taitano--10.5 in
Kerrie Uthoff--3 in, 6 out
Karthik Venkatraman--2.5 in, 6 out
Olivia Vo--1 in
Andrew Walker--5 in
James Wang--6.5 in, 2 out
Jake Weber--1 in
Carly Weilminster--1 in
Eddie Yacynych--3 in

Jess Albrecht--4 in
Sara Albrecht--6 in
Brittany Arens--5.5 in
Laura Asher--.5 in, 11.5 out
Zach Fernanande--7 in
Anthony Gioia--1 in
Ryan Greene--9.5 in
Natalie DiProspero--3 in
Amy Lee--9 in
Melissa Linn--3.5 in, 4 out
Hamza Raja--5.5 in
Lauren Reiser--1 in
Jay Ritch--3.5 in
Kevin Shade--3 in
Rachel Sullivan--1 in
Jacqui Symon--7.5 in
Margaret Tian--1 in
Maryssa Timberlake--1 in
Drew Vickers--1 in, 3 out
Imani Williams--3.5 in

May Meeting Notes- ELECTION

Hi everyone! Just a brief reiteration of the important points of today's meeting:

Elections for next year's senior officers are now open. See one of the sponsors to get a ballot and vote.

Senior hours are due by the end of the week, if you wish to wear a stoll to graduation.

The June meeting will be led by your newly elected officers.

Sign up for events! There are still a handful: Chipapalooza, Sharon Mayr Grounds Cleanup, DMS Fun Day, Graduation and rehearsals, Columbia Triathalon, WES Congressional Hearings.

Becky Yep

Monday, May 10, 2010

May Meeting Postponed


Our May meeting has been moved from tomorrow, May 11th, to NEXT TUESDAY, May 18th after school in the cafeteria. This is due to AP testing; since this meeting will be nominations and elections for next year's officers, we want everyone to have an opportunity to be there! Seniors this will be your last NHS meeting so remember to bring all of you hours so we can settle graduation details.

Also, junior members keep all of the remaining opportunities in mind (i.e. Sharon Mayr grounds clean-up, Graduation and Rehearsals, Waverly Congressional Hearings, Dunloggin Fun Day, etc) and let me know if you would like to sign up!

Becky Yep

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dunloggin MS Service Opp and notes

Dunloggin Middle School has their annual Fun Day (rain or shine) on June 18 from 9:30-2:30. They are in need of 6 volunteers. Keep in mind that there is a final exam that day (I think), so juniors need to check with their teachers and classes to see if they are available.

Additionally, remember that at the May meeting juniors will be self-nominating for officer positions for NHS next year. Juniors will vote for their officers during the month of May, and by the June meeting, NHS will be entirely junior-led.

Also let your sophomore/junior friends who are interested in being in NHS know that there is an informational meeting today and tomorrow after school in the cafeteria.

Seniors get those hours in so you can wear your stolls to graduation!

Juniors keep signing up for those service opps- grounds clean up, 5Ks, fun days, graduation rehearsals- there are a lot of opportunities still out there.

Becky Yep

Monday, May 3, 2010

Viking 5K Hours

Hi all,
These are the hours from the Viking 5K. Please do not turn in notes with Viking 5K hours on them. All hours are in-school.

Kate Appel--3
Lindy Bernhardt--3.25
Chris Carrese--5.25
Brian Compere--3.25
Karen DiGangi--3
Grace Freund--3.25
Megan Frey--3
Patrick Groh--3
Tyler Knight--3.25
Dong Ju Lee--3.25
Mike Marino--3
Brian McCarter--2.5
Stuart Russell--3
Becca Stanford--3.25
Amanda Strem--3.25
Kyle Sugrowe--5.25
Michael Tillman--4.5
Kelvin Tran--3
Kerrie Uthoff--3.25
Olivia Vo--3
James Wang--3.25
Jake Weber--3.25
Carly Weilminster--3.25
Graham Welch--4.5
Becky Yep--4.5

Brittany Arens--3
Shaffer Bond--3
Ben Borchers--3.25
Natalie DiProspero--4
Zach Fernande--5.25
Anthony Gioia--3.25
Alyssa Halper--3
Cordney Landers--3.25
Lauren Reiser--3
Becky Schumm--3.25
Corinne Straube--3.25
Liz Tawa--3.25
Margaret Tian--3
Maryssa Timberlake--2
Elizabeth Trainer--3.25

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hours from April 27

Judy Cha--3 in
Zach Fernande--2 in
Monika Johnson--4 in, 3 out
Cordney Landers--2 in, 6 out
Adeola Lawal--1 in
Kevin Mertz--4.5 in
Hamza Raja--5 in
Lauren Reiser--4 in, 1.5 out
Rachel Sullivan--1.5 out
Margaret Tian--5 out
Liz Trainer--5.5 in
Drew Vickers--5 in
Paul Walker--2.5 in

Aarzu Ahmed--11 in
Lori Arnold--4 in
Kevin Bao--10 in
Russell Buescher--6.5 out
Brian Compere--5 in
Erica Cranston--1 in
Karen DiGangi--2.5 in
Jordan Greene--3.5 in
Brian Farruggia--4 in, 8 out
Mian Khalid--3.5 in
Tyler Knight--2 in
Matthew Koch--4 in
Dong Ju Lee--6.5 in
Hojung Lee--10 in
Constantine Matsakis--2 in
Jess Murphy--4 in
Emily Naviasky--4 in
Mara Palmateer--5 in, 4 out
Bonnie Phillips--1 in, 10 out
Chelsea Rogers--8 in, 5 out
Stuart Russell--2 in
Kathleen Stafford--3.5 in, 2.5 out
Becca Stanford--7 out
Kyle Sugrowe--14 in
Kellie Taitano--2 in, 4 out
Michael Tillman--3.5 in
Kelvin Tran--5 in
Jake Weber--8 in
Carly Weilminster--5 in, 8 out
Graham Welch--2 in
Becky Yep--1.5 in

Sharon Mayr Event Information

Hi NHS, please see forwarded message from Mrs. Mayr, below. If you have any questions, email me or the NHS email

Begin forwarded message:
Hello NHS students,
There will be two school clean-ups scheduled for this Friday, April 30 at 2:30pm and Monday, May 3 at 5pm. If you can make one or both, just report to the front entrance of the school. Wear shoes and clothing for walking in the grass. There will be one session for After Prom thank you notes in Ms. Clem’s room on Tuesday, May 4 from 2:30-5pm. The notes can be taken home with you to do on your own time if you cannot stay at the school. If you cannot come on Tuesday, contact me and I will leave you notes to do through Ms. Clem.

I will make sure I keep a record of who comes so you can get credit for your service hours.
Mrs. Mayr PTSA

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hours from April 20

Russell Buescher--.5 in
Chris Harris--1 in
Mian Khalid--.5 in
Emily Naviasky--.5 in
Joey Rodis--.5 in
Kyle Sugrowe--.5 in
Michael Tillman--5 in
Karthik Venkatraman--5.5 in
Carly Weilminster--.5 in
Graham Welch--11 out, 1 in
Becky Yep--1.5 in

Shaffer Bond--.5
Lena Carmona--.5 in
Melissa Coulter--5.5 out, 6 in
Mike Marino--.5 in
Shalini Ray--5 in
Paul Walker--.5 in

Friday, April 16, 2010



Alrighty, so having been sick the past week I just received a bunch of updates and such to send out to you. Some of these are super-last-minute service opps, I apologize for the timing! Please read the entire email, because there is information about graduation as well.

Graduation Rehearsals will be held during school 5/25, 5/26, and 5/27. NHS is looking for JUNIOR member volunteers to miss school to help out at these rehearsals. You are responsible for okay-ing absences with your teachers, and making up any work you miss. These WILL NOT count for service hours, as it is seen as an honor to help fellow members in their graduation ceremony. Some spots have already been filled, but needed are as follows:

Wed, 5/26- Periods 1 and 2, two people per shift

Thurs 5/27- Periods 1 and 2, two people per shift

Additionally, about 6 JUNIOR volunteers are needed for graduation on 6/3 from 2:30-4:30. Again, these will not count as service hours.

On the topic of graduation, SENIORS: going through the list of seniors, the NHS sponsors have red-flagged a load of senior members who don’t have a lot of hours. At this point, if you don’t have at least 15 hours, you are likely not going to be wearing a stoll to graduation, unless you reach 20 hours by the May deadline. That being said, I have a bunch of service opps, geared toward seniors, but also open to juniors:

1.) Mr. Walters requests volunteers for the Clyde’s 10K on Sunday, 4/18. I have not been able to reach him, but hopefully I will be able to let you know where (I’m assuming it’s by the Clyde’s restaurant in Columbia) and the time soon.

2.) April 17 from 7AM-noon, the PTSA needs volunteers in the school’s lower parking lot to help with Mulch Sale, which raises money for After Prom. Here are five hours you can get in one day!

3.) Waverly Elementary School is having a Simulated Congressional Hearing in June, as part of its curriculum for its students. Eight students are needed each day Tues June 1st through Fri June 4th from 2:00-3:25 at Waverly. Let me know if you are interested.

4.) And finally, Sharon Mayr requests NHS volunteers to do a school-grounds clean-up on a weekend or after-school. She is flexible and is willing to work with your schedule, just let her know if you would like to volunteer for however many hours you need. Also, she needs volunteers to write thank-you notes to the business sponsors of After-Prom. Also contact her if you are interested.

Sorry this is a lot at once! Don’t forget our next meeting is Tuesday, April 20th after school! Bring those hours sheets.

Becky Yep

Thursday, April 15, 2010

April Updates

Hi Everyone,

Sorry about the confusion over last meeting. We have rescheduled the April meeting to Tuesday, April 20th after school in the cafeteria. Bring your hours sheets!

Also, a couple of service opps to keep in mind:
Math Tutoring for Murach
Mount Hebron Presbyterian Church Nursery School Fair
St. John's Parish School Carnival
Viking 5K

Check your email for more updates!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

New Service Opps

Hey NHS! I just sent a large email to all members with new service opps, including

-Grassroots (see Laura Johnson or Graham Welch)
-Math Tutoring

Please check your email and the blog frequently for updates!

Becky Yep

Friday, March 12, 2010

Reminders and Updates from March 11

Hi NHS Members,
All hours are up to date. Please check the spreadsheet on the right sidebar to check your current hours. If your name in the hours spreadsheet is highlighted in red, you are presently considered a member not in good standing. Our sponsors have your names and may contact you about this in the near future. If your name is highlighted in green, you have fulfilled our requirement of 20 service hours for the school year. While it is not necessary for you to complete any more service hours for this school year, we encourage you to continue volunteering your time in the spirit of the National Honor Society.

A couple notes and reminders:
-Mystery Hours 2: Electric Boogalo! TWO NHS members submitted notes without names this past meeting. If you "tutored Madison Dahle in Spanish at the library for two hours" or "teach religious ed at [your] church for service hours," please let me know via email so I can give you credit for the hours you put in.
-Clarification on In School vs Out of School hours requirements: As an NHS member, you are required to complete 20 total hours of service. A minimum of ten of those hours must be in school hours. A maximum of ten of those hours may be out of school hours. If you are still unsure of the requirements, feel free to send me an email or refer to the NHS rules, available on the blog.
-Senior Members: Second semester hours are due at the May 11 meeting. You must have completed 20 service hours, with a minimum of 10 in-school hours, by that date in order to graduate as a member of NHS. Take advantage of the many hours opportunities available with the Viking 5K. And we can always use more tutors!

As always, I'm willing to address whatever questions and concerns you may have in regard to your hours,
Grace Freund

Updated Hours:
Brian Farruggia--4 out, 4 in
Jake Weber--3 out, 1 in
Michael Tillman--3.5 in
Ajay Kurup--12 in
Joey Rodis--11 out

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Hours from March 9 Part II

Lori Arnold--4 in
Lindy Bernhardt--4 in
Russell Buescher--4 in
Erica Cranston--3 in
Karen DiGangi--3 in
Chris Fieldhouse--4 out
Mian Khalid--2 out, 4 in
Matt Koch--6 in
Constantine Matsakis--3 out
Brian McCarter--8 out
Kevin McNerney--16 in
Jess Murphy--9 out, 4.5 in
Jed Nieves--6 in
Mara Palmateer--2.5 in, 6 out
Bonnie Phillips--14 out, 4 in
Chelsea Rogers--2.5 in
Alex Song--3.5 in
Kathleen Stafford--1 in
Amanda Strem--5 in
Kellie Taitano--5 out
Andrew Walker--2 in, 2 out

Agree Ahmed--10 in
Hilary Andreas--10 in, 9 out
Laura Asher--5.5 out, 3 in
Taylor Babin--8.5 in
Ben Borchers--3 in
Vickie Brun--6 out
Judy Cha--5.5 out
Melissa Coulter--2 in
Zach Fernande--2 in
Alyssa Halper--2 in
Joe Humm--4 out, 3 in
Monika Johnson--10 out
Stephanie Kwon--7 in
Cordney Landers--3 in
Amy Lee--2 in
Ningwei Li--5 in
Allie Lundell--22 out, 6 in
Michael Marino--6 in
Kevin Mertz--12.5 in
Hamza Raja--7 in
Lauren Reiser--2 in, 8 out
Liz Tawa--6.5 out
Margaret Tian--1 in
Imani Williams--7 out

Hours from March 9, 2010

Aarzu Ahmed--7 out
Kate Arsenault--4 out
Kevin Bao--2 in
Erica Cranston--4 in
Patrick Groh--3 in
Janice Ham--9 in
Maureen Kelly--4 in
Kelly Kujawa--10 in
Neha Macwan--4 in
Priya G. Patel--4 in
Stuart Russell--1 in
Michael Tillman--4.5 in
Graham Welch--1 out
Becky Yep--3 in

Vickie Brun--4 in
Judy Cha--4 in
Natalie DiProspero--3 in
Julie Ervin--4 in
Ashly James--4 in
Byung Yub Kim--2 in
Ningwei Li--4 in
Kevin Mertz--3 in
Logan Pryce--4 in
Shalini Ray--4 in
Jay Ritch--4 in
Rachel Sullivan--1.5 in
Shannon Vogan--5 in
Emmeline Zhu--4 in

Grace Freund

Friday, March 5, 2010

Service Opp! Mini golfing with the Elderly


New service opp!

Saturday, March 20, 2010, from 1:30 to a little after 4:00 PM
St. Elizabeth Rehabilitation and Nursing Center
3320 Benson Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21227

Basically, the elderly residents of the center will have a miniature golfing day. You as volunteers will be their everything from their caddies to the golf-hole monitors to "huggers". Essentially it seems like a low-stress, fun way to spend time with the elderly and earn some hours! Please let me know if you are interested soon, because the RSVP date for volunteers is by March 15.

Also, our next meeting is Tuesday, March 9th after school. Be there with your January and February hours!

Becky Yep

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Viking 5K

Each of you should have received an email with an Excel file attachment with all of the Viking 5K slots. Sign up! We need lots of manpower

Becky Yep

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

HUGE service opp- Viking 5K


Every April/May for nearly 20 years the Viking Backers hosts an annual Viking 5K run on our Hebron campus. I am on the planning committee once again and there are a TON of service opportunities and assignments, so please read and sign up!

Flier Handouts: needed: two volunteers per event/shift to hand out fliers at home games, the spring musical, etc. I will attach an excel file of flier handout opportunities as soon as I can, please sign up because there are lots of them!!!! If you are really anxious to sign up before I have a chance to type up the dates, check out, under February's Viking Voice for the spring athletic schedule.

Packet Pickup- this is when you will man a registration table and give people their race materials (number, tee-shirt, etc) in a pre-made packet a few days before the race. needed:
2 volunteers for April 30th at Road Runner's (a running store near Trader Joe's) from 4-7 PM
2 volunteers PER SHIFT for May 1 in the Hebron lobby. Shifts are 9AM-12, 12-2PM, 2-4ishPM. Feel free to sign up for more than one shift!
2 volunteers for May 2 in the Hebron lobby from 7:30-9 AM (this is race day)

Race Day: May 2, 8:15/30-11:30AM. Needed: about 30-40 volunteers for the race-day registration table, general set-up and clean-up, COURSE MARSHALLING, the awards ceremony, traffic control, etc.

Due on race day: May 2, 8:15 AM (or better, the night before at a TBD parent house) baked goods to sell/give away on race day. Lots of you did this last year. I think we made each batch of baked good equal to 0.5-1 hours, or something like that.

**Specifically on race day** needed: NHS member who is experienced in photography. Please bring own camera (Digital SLR-type, not one of those little digital point-and-shoot) to take pictures of the Fun Run. These will be turned in to the Viking 5K committee to post on-line.

Alrighty, so LOTS of places to sign up. Get those hours in, especially seniors who are low on hours and need them to graduate with the NHS stoll. As always, any questions please email me!

Becky Yep

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Service Opps and Reminders


Please check your email inbox for information about service opportunities, including the St. John's Parish School Spring Carnival, the Viking Backers' fundraiser college basket, and the Grassroots homeless shelter initiative.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 9th directly after school, as per usual. Remember to bring in all signed hours sheets; we will accept hours from January and February, due to the snow.

Any questions, email


Monday, February 22, 2010

Hours from February 22

Hi everyone,
Here are the updated hours. Remember to turn all your notes in by our March meeting!

Grace Freund

Chris Fieldhouse--2.5 in
Gina Knight--5 out
Constantine Matsakis--3 in, 5 out
Emily Naviasky--1 out
Stuart Russell--1 out
Amanda Strem--1.5 in
Olivia Vo--1 in, 4 out

Brittany Arens--7.5 in
Melissa Coulter--1 in
Natalie DiProspero--3.5 in
Melissa Linn--4 in, 3 out
Kevin Shade--5 out
Margaret Tian--4 in
Diana Winter--6 out

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Service Opp- Healthy HoCo Kickoff Meeting!

Please see text below (a forwarded service opportunity). Basically, Howard County (led by Ken Ullman, Brian Jolles, and John Weinstein) are jumpstarting this Healthy Howard County Initiative and would really like the input of current students. Attend this meeting for service hours (it won't be hands on, but more a strategy/ planning meeting, but it will still count for NHS hours!) and for more information about FUTURE service opps. I talked with Mr.Jolles, and he's really excited to see this thing take off. So get involved early and make your mark, while also getting those much-needed service hours!

As always, please let me know ASAP if you are planning to attend. You don't technically need to sign up to attend (so if you don't get around to signing up but would still like to attend, by all means, go!) but Mr. Jolles would like a rough head-count, so email me with your email addresses if you are planning on going! Don't forget to bring your monthly hours sheets to get signed.

Becky Yep

Begin forwarded text:

What: Student Strategy & Initiative Development Meeting
Date: Thursday, February 25th, 2010
Time: 6:45pm to 8pm
Where: Miller Branch of the Howard County Library

We are inviting interested MT Hebron High School students to participate in a special “Student Strategy Meeting”. Howard County has many separate initiatives that address the wellness needs of our citizens. There has been, and continues to be, a lot of support from high level county partners for each of these initiatives. Stay Active Howard County is being developed to bring these initiatives and many other wellness related events, programs and activities together.

This meeting will be directed at bringing our student leaders into the process as we shape Stay Active Howard County into a more cohesive well designed year round initiative. This is more than simply a volunteer opportunity related to promoting the wellness of Howard County citizens. Your students will have the opportunity to help shape the program at its earliest beginnings. We have a special presenter who will be helping conduct this meeting. John Weinstein is the President of Line Of Sight, a local consulting firm. His firm helps government and industry create sustainable value by helping them envision, plan and realize change. Your students will be participating in a process to define value, support and opportunities that student volunteers will bring to this initiative.

We Promote Health, a 501c3 nonprofit in Howard County is assisting other partners in creating this initiative. Brian Jolles is President of We Promote Health. If you or anyone else on your team, would like more details in advance of the meeting, Brian can be reached on his cell phone 443-309-5379. Please let us know as to the level of interest so we have an understanding of the approximate number of students that might participate.

We have a website for the Stay Active Initiative, please check it out at

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

January and February Hours/Hours from February 17

Hi NHS Members,

Due to the snowfall and days out of school, I will be accepting all service hours completed after our January 12th meeting at our March 9th meeting. Though we want all NHS members to continue to turn in hours promptly, the snowstorm interfered with our schedule, and this is the least complicated solution. Remember that these hours will not be accepted after March 9! You will have had two months to turn in your service hours by that point, so no excuses.

Any questions can be sent directly to me.

Grace Freund

Hours from February 17, 2010
(These are only hours that I received personally; don't worry if you turned hours into the box and they aren't up yet.)

Kate Appel--9 out
Kevin Bao--6 in
Erica Cranston--8 in
Maureen Kelly--8 in
Neha Macwan--8 in
Priya G. Patel--8 in, 7 out
Kelvin Tran--8.5 in
James Wang--.5 in

Vickie Brun--8 in
Judy Cha--6 in
Julie Ervin--8 in
Ashly James--6 in
Byung Yub Kim--8 in
Ningwei Li--8 in
Logan Pryce--8 in
Joseph Ritch--8 in
Elizabeth Trainer--3 in
Emmeline Zhu--8 in

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

St. John's Parish School Carnival

Hi NHS! If you're not currently buried under all this snow, take a minute and read this message:


My name is Kristen Conord and I am the volunteer contact for St. John’s annual spring carnival. I got your contact info from Becky who mentioned that you may be interested in volunteering. We have several areas that need volunteers.

Set-up - arrive around 12 to help where needed.
Clean-up - stay after the carnival is over and help where needed
Run a carnival game – stay at a particular game station & monitor children (moon bounces, mazes, bean bag toss, etc)
Collect tickets – at each game station you will be collecting the required tickets to play
Sell food – stay at food table & sell baked goods
Dress-up as a Character – walk around carnival in costume (star-wars, princess) and interact with kids. (Please not a scary costume!)
Direct Traffic – needs to arrive early.

The carnival is from 2-5 on Saturday, May 1, and it would be great if you would be able to stay the entire time. We will be able to give you as many Community Service hours as you work. This is a huge event for the school & community and it is only possible with volunteers. We will greatly appreciate any time that you can give.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you have. (
Thanks for volunteering!
Kristen Conord

Please consider volunteering- it sounds like a fun activity! And let me know by email or

Becky Yep

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Reminder to Turn in First Semester Hours

Hi NHS Members,

I hope you're all enjoying the long weekend! This is just a friendly reminder that all ten first semester hours must be turned in by our next meeting, this Tuesday, February 9 in order to be counted. If there is no school on the day of the meeting, hours will be accepted through the end of the week. Also, remember to turn in your dues if you have not already done so.

As always, all hours questions can go directly to me at

Stay safe in the snowpocalypse,
Grace Freund

Friday, February 5, 2010

General Updates


Happy El Nino Season! Just a couple of updates in regards to service opps

Mr. Prime's Model UN thing is totally filled. Thanks for all the offers, but at current, we have:
Logan Pryce
Chris Fieldhouse
Michael Tillman
Lindy Bernhardt
Hamza Raja

There are still lots of spots for the St. John's Parish Carnival. The people who have volunteered so far:

Cordney Landers
Karen DiGangi
Emily Naviasky
Andrew Walker
Alyssa Halper
Hamza Raja
Graham Welch
Becky Yep
Mara Palmateer
Jordan Greene

Let me know if you are interested!

Also, pending no snow, next meeting is Tuesday, February 9th. Remember those dues, for those of you who STILL haven't paid. Also remember our new policy for turning in hours sheets next week only.

Becky Yep

Monday, February 1, 2010

Model UN Service Opp

Mr. Prime needs four NHS members to help out with the Model U.N. conference Hebron is hosting on February 13th. Please arrive around 8:15 AM at the front of the school. You will be needed until 1:30ish. Dress attire needs to be business-casual (no jeans, khakis for guys, nice blouses for ladies). You will basically be doing administrivia- setting up, directing people, helping get chairs, copying papers, etc. Let me know!


Hours from February 1

Lauren Fiasconaro--2.5 in
Grace Freund--2.5 in
Megan Frey--6 in
Neha Macwan--2.5 in
Chelsea Rogers--1 in
Stuart Russell--1 in
Michael Tillman--3 in
Karthik Venkatraman--2 in, 7 out

Melissa Coulter--4 in
Kevin Shade--5 out

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Service Opps

Hi NHS! Okay, so three things... please be patient and read! These are just some forwarded messages about service opps

Good morning,

This year Waverly will be participating in Jump Rope for Heart again. Over the past we have raised a good amount of money for the American Heart Association. You might remember Mrs. Donna Chrest contacting you over the years for volunteers, she retired last year and the new PE teachers are continuing her Jump Rope tradition.

We would like to know if any of your NHS students would be available to help with our event. We will need them on Wednesday, February 10th and Thursday, February 11th from 12:15 -3:00.

Would your students be available to particapte for NHS hours?

Cindi Deckman
Principal's Secretary
Waverly Elementary


Hey just letting you know that there will be Scholastic Saturdaytutoring at Patapsco this Saturday, Jan. 23. If anyone really needsthe 3 hours (8-11am), they should send Tracey Ryan (acting viceprincipal while Carol Ketterman is on maternity) an email at

aaaand lastly, we need one volunteer for the basketball concession stand on january 27th due to a last-minute drop-out. let me know!

Becky Yep

Hours Updated and First Semester Reminder

Hi NHS Members,

I just updated the hours that I received between our January meeting and now, so please check your hours to see your current count.
Questions, comments, concerns? Please feel free to email me at

A few points I'd like to make:
-Mystery hours! Someone turned in a note with no name! If you completed five hours on January 16th "participating in activities with developmentally disabled adults," let me know! Be honest, guys. This is an honorable society.
-A lot of the hours sheets I received on the January meeting included service hours that were far too late for me to count them. If your service opportunity was completed before our December meeting and was not turned in to me by the end of that week, I cannot accept it. A lot of hours earned at holiday events, such as the Worthington Secret Shoppe, were not counted simply because they had been turned in far past the deadline. Please turn your hours in on time! I know the hours sheets are beautiful, but there is no need to squander them away past their due dates. It kills me that I have to disregard so many hard-earned service hours simply because they were turned in late, but we've laid out some clear rules, and all members must follow them. There is no room for leniency. If you are still unclear about the rules, do not hesitate to ask me! It's my duty as hours officer to take care of your hours needs.
-Shoveling snow does not count as a service opportunity. Sorry, guys.
-I know there was a rumor going around that caroling would not be counted for hours--this is false! The NHS officers determined that caroling with Mr. Hettenbach counts as an out of school service opportunity.
-Please remember to get your notes signed when you complete your service hours! Though the hours sheets are preferred, random sheets of paper, napkins, paper plates, and post-it notes are acceptable substitutes. As long as it's dated and signed, I don't care if your service supervisor writes your note on your forehead and you send me a picture. All that matters is that you have verification of your completed service!
-It is also really important that you include full dates on all of your service hours.

Also, please remember that every member must have completed 10 hours of service (either in-school or out) by the end of the first semester. Although the semester technically ends on Friday, we're cutting everyone some slack and counting all hours up until our meeting on February 9 as first semester hours. All hours not turned into me by February 9 will be counted as second semester hours. If you do not have ten hours from first semester, you will be considered a member not in good standing. This is especially significant for seniors, so get those hours to me! As the semester is coming to a close, check to see where you are in terms of completed hours. For your convenience, I highlighted all members who have completed the required first semester amount of 10 hours in green. If your name is not highlighted in green, you still need to complete some service hours. Need hours? Sign up for tutoring! Contact Graham or Karthik for more information.

Grace Freund

Hours from January 20

Jess Albrecht--8 out
Vickie Brun--5 out
Melissa Coulter--1 out, 1 in
Jackie Dawson--9 in
Ryan Greene--2.5 in
Anthony Gioia--3 out
Alyssa Halper--6 in
Ashly James--7 out
Byung Kim--10 out
Stephanie Kwon--4 in, 10 out
Adeola Lawal--3 out
Ningwei Li--3 in
Melissa Linn--3 out
Allie Lundell--3 in
Michael Marino--7.5 in
Joseph Ritch--5 out
Becky Schumm--8 out
Corinne Straube--4 out
Rachel Sullivan--1.5 in
Elizabeth Tawa--2 out
Margaret Tian--3 out, 1.5 in
Maryssa Timberlake--1 in, 2 out
Liz Trainer--3 in
Shannon Vogan--6 out, 5 in
Paul Walker--4.5 in
Diana Winter--2 in, 2 out

Kate Appel--4 in
Kate Arsenault--6 out
Russell Buescher--1 out, 1 in
Brian Farruggia--11.5 in
Patrick Groh--4 in
Janice Ham--7 in
Maureen Kelly--7 in
Mian Khalid--3 out
Tyler Knight--7 in
Matt Koch--4 in
Kelly Kujawa--8 in
Ajay Kurup--3 in
Dong-Ju Lee--8.5 in
Neha Macwan--5 out
Jess Murphy--2 in, 4 out
Emily Naviasky--4 in
Jed Nieves--3.5 in
Mara Palmateer--1 in, 1.5 out
Priya G. Patel--6 out
Bonnie Phillips--2 in, 2 out
Emily Roenigk--10 out
Chelsea Rogers--5.5 in
Stuart Russell--2 in
Alex Song--6 in
Kathleen Stafford--3 out
Becca Stanford--4 in, 4 out
Kellie Taitano--2 out
Kerrie Uthoff--4 in
Olivia Vo--7 in, 2 out
Andrew Walker--2 out
Jake Weber--3 out, 1 in

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Help for Haiti


Be on the lookout for emails coming via NHS about how you can help for Haiti. If you are interested in being directly involved with any organization, I would strongly encourage you to talk to Jay Ritch or Agree Ahmed. We will be doing things like having bake sales, supply drives, and selling awareness-items at athletic events.

In the meantime, check out the teachers' lounge during break this week and purchase some baked goods; proceeds go to the Red Cross to help with the disaster.

Becky Yep

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

JV/ Varsity Basketball Home Games


Here are the most recently updated positions for tutoring hours for the Varsity and JV Basketball games. Thanks for the wonderful volunteering feedback! Also, email or if there are any scheduling problems.

Jan 27, 4:00- Kevin McNerney, Ajay Kurup
Feb 3, 4:00- Amanda Strem, Mara Palmateer
Feb 5, 7:00- Chris Fieldhouse, Karen DiGangi
Feb 9, 4:00- Jackie Dawson, Amy Lee
Feb 18, 4:00- Jackie Dawson, Lena Carmona

Jan 15, 7:00- Andrew Walker, Stuart Russell
Jan 27, 5:30- Andrew Walker, Hamza Raja
Feb 3, 5:30- Cordney Landers, Taylor Babin
Feb 9, 5:30- Cordney Landers, Hamza Raja
Feb 18, 5:30- Taylor Babin, Hamza Raja

Becky Yep

Monday, January 11, 2010

Tuesday's Meeting

For those of you who won't be at the meeting afterschool on Tuesday, Jan 12:

* turn in your hours sheet for December by the end of the week, please! this is the only way your hours will be counted if you were absent
* make sure you have a note of absence and that it goes into the box or that Tyler gets it
* dues are being vamped up to $10. remember, seniors, if you don't pay dues, you can't wear the stoll at graduation, which will be sooner than you think.
* as Grace mentioned, all Adopt-a-family hours are updated. We will go over specifics at the meeting; email if you have questions.
* midterm tutors are in high demand! consider signing up to be one.
* again, for dues and hours, the exec board is strict in carrying out its procedures. already (in extreme cases) a couple of members have been dismissed for not having enough volunteer hours (aim for 10 by the end of the semester), and Grace is serious about not counting overdue hours. NHS, we know you work hard and we want you to get credit! just get those hours sheets in on time!

Becky Yep

Hours from January 11

Sara Albrecht--5 out
Stephanie Kwon--1 in
Michael Tillman--3.5 in
Graham Welch--1 out, .5 in
Eddie Yacynych--6 in

A few of the notes I've picked up since the Friday after our December meeting were from service opportunities that occurred prior to the December meeting; thus, I cannot count those hours. If you turned in an hour sheet between our December meeting and now, and your hours were not counted, this is probably why. Feel free to send me questions if you are unsure of your hours situation.

Remember to bring your hours sheets and notes and pick up a January hours sheet at our meeting tomorrow, January 12.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Adopt-A-Family Hours Updated

Hi Everyone,

I've updated all the Adopt-A-Family hours on the hours spreadsheet. To see the hours you earned for raising money or shopping, you can refer to the spreadsheet Becky e-mailed earlier this week. I will update non-Adopt-A-Family hours on Monday.

Remember to bring in all of the hours you have received since our last meeting by our meeting on Tuesday! They will not be counted if they are late.

Grace Freund

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Your Hours


We're in the process of counting up all of the hours from Adopt-a-family, so don't you worry. If you have any questions about credit for hours, or if you think we've made a mistake, email please and thank you! :)


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Adopt-a-family Final Wrap-up: Hours

Hi NHS!!! Thank you all so much for making the Adopt-a-family program such a success, despite all of the snow. You all delivered gifts to nearly 50 needy families and their kids for the holiday season!

A lot of you have been asking me over break about credit for hours. I have emailed everyone an excel spreadsheet of how many hours you will receive, if you donated money/shopped/wrapped/ a combination of the above. Basically, everyone that raised money gets at least 1 hour. If you raised over 50 dollars, you will receive two hours. Over one hundred dollars receives three hours. Additionally, if you shopped and wrapped, you will receive two hours. So that's a potential for a total of five hours, just from this one assignment. And most of you will receive at least three hours.

Please don't put the Adopt a family on your December hours sheet. I have already sent this information to Grace, and since we already have names, we will be sure to credit you your due hours automatically. Adopt-a-family hours turned into the box will not be counted again.

This is just an FYI post, you should see your hours updated automatically very shortly. Be sure to check your name and hours, and as always, any questions can be directed to

Thanks, and don't forget that the next meeting is Tuesday, January 12 after school.

Becky Yep