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Monday, January 11, 2010

Tuesday's Meeting

For those of you who won't be at the meeting afterschool on Tuesday, Jan 12:

* turn in your hours sheet for December by the end of the week, please! this is the only way your hours will be counted if you were absent
* make sure you have a note of absence and that it goes into the box or that Tyler gets it
* dues are being vamped up to $10. remember, seniors, if you don't pay dues, you can't wear the stoll at graduation, which will be sooner than you think.
* as Grace mentioned, all Adopt-a-family hours are updated. We will go over specifics at the meeting; email if you have questions.
* midterm tutors are in high demand! consider signing up to be one.
* again, for dues and hours, the exec board is strict in carrying out its procedures. already (in extreme cases) a couple of members have been dismissed for not having enough volunteer hours (aim for 10 by the end of the semester), and Grace is serious about not counting overdue hours. NHS, we know you work hard and we want you to get credit! just get those hours sheets in on time!

Becky Yep

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