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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Service Opp- Healthy HoCo Kickoff Meeting!

Please see text below (a forwarded service opportunity). Basically, Howard County (led by Ken Ullman, Brian Jolles, and John Weinstein) are jumpstarting this Healthy Howard County Initiative and would really like the input of current students. Attend this meeting for service hours (it won't be hands on, but more a strategy/ planning meeting, but it will still count for NHS hours!) and for more information about FUTURE service opps. I talked with Mr.Jolles, and he's really excited to see this thing take off. So get involved early and make your mark, while also getting those much-needed service hours!

As always, please let me know ASAP if you are planning to attend. You don't technically need to sign up to attend (so if you don't get around to signing up but would still like to attend, by all means, go!) but Mr. Jolles would like a rough head-count, so email me with your email addresses if you are planning on going! Don't forget to bring your monthly hours sheets to get signed.

Becky Yep

Begin forwarded text:

What: Student Strategy & Initiative Development Meeting
Date: Thursday, February 25th, 2010
Time: 6:45pm to 8pm
Where: Miller Branch of the Howard County Library

We are inviting interested MT Hebron High School students to participate in a special “Student Strategy Meeting”. Howard County has many separate initiatives that address the wellness needs of our citizens. There has been, and continues to be, a lot of support from high level county partners for each of these initiatives. Stay Active Howard County is being developed to bring these initiatives and many other wellness related events, programs and activities together.

This meeting will be directed at bringing our student leaders into the process as we shape Stay Active Howard County into a more cohesive well designed year round initiative. This is more than simply a volunteer opportunity related to promoting the wellness of Howard County citizens. Your students will have the opportunity to help shape the program at its earliest beginnings. We have a special presenter who will be helping conduct this meeting. John Weinstein is the President of Line Of Sight, a local consulting firm. His firm helps government and industry create sustainable value by helping them envision, plan and realize change. Your students will be participating in a process to define value, support and opportunities that student volunteers will bring to this initiative.

We Promote Health, a 501c3 nonprofit in Howard County is assisting other partners in creating this initiative. Brian Jolles is President of We Promote Health. If you or anyone else on your team, would like more details in advance of the meeting, Brian can be reached on his cell phone 443-309-5379. Please let us know as to the level of interest so we have an understanding of the approximate number of students that might participate.

We have a website for the Stay Active Initiative, please check it out at

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