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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Important Adopt-a-Family Update

Canned Food Drive is on tomorrow. Everyone who has bought and wrapped presents, please drop them off at Alex Flentje's house by tonight, or at the school at 7 AM tomorrow morning!!! Check your email for the address, and also numbers to call for any questions.

Adopt-a-family Updates


Talking to Alex Flentje, and we still don't know too much about how the canned food drive is going to pan out. I will let you know what to do with your gifts as I get more information, because I think we're still trying to make this thing happen. In the meantime, PLEASE make sure that your gifts are wrapped, labelled by family name, number, gender, and age, and separated into bags by family! This will make it a whole lot easier when we get down to crunch time.

Becky Yep

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Adopt-a-family Snow Day


Happy Snow Day tomorrow! But here's the deal: since we don't have school tomorrow, people need to bring in their ALREADY WRAPPED AND LABELLED GIFTS for adopt-a-family on Tuesday morning, ASAP. Please wrap them nicely, separate the gifts into bags by family, and label the bags and all packages by family number, name, and girl/boy+ age, if possible.

Thanks, and please email or check the blog for questions.

Becky Yep

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Adopt-a-Family Inclement Weather Plans


Because of the Blizzard Weather, we are aware that there may not be school on Monday. If this is the case, please bring the presents, already WRAPPED and LABELLED and separated by families to school on Tuesday. Any questions, contact the officers or sponsors

Becky Yep

Adopt-a-Family Giftwrapping Updates


Happy Blizzarding Season :)

Just a reminder that Adopt-a-family gifts are due to Madame's room on Monday, Dec 21st. We will be wrapping them after school on Monday and Tuesday, so come and help, because we need all the help we can get!

If you are coming to wrap, please bring a roll of wrapping paper and perhaps some scotch tape. With all of the renovations and such, a lot of the NHS wrapping paper was thrown out. So please bring some!

A reminder to the buyers: keep your receipts and use ALL the money allotted on the children. If you do happen to have money left over, please put it back in the envelope and hand it back in. We need all the receipts for bookkeeping purposes. Also, please separate families into bags by number/family name.

Be careful shopping this weekend in the winter weather! If by chance we do not have school on Monday/Tues, I will give you an email update as to what to do!

Becky Yep

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Adopt-a-Family Money Reminder


Just a reminder that Adopt-a-family donations are due to Stuart Russell by tomorrow, Dec 17. Please give cash if at all possible, since the money needs to be distributed the following day. If you absolutely need to write a check, make it out to Mount Hebron High School (NOT Mount Hebron NHS).

Becky Yep

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Counts for Hours?


Just a little bit of info for you all...

I hope by this point you all understand "in" versus "out" of school hours. I.e. "in" hours are when you volunteer for anything that I have sent you emails about, that the NHS board is directly involved in (holiday giftwrap, adopt-a-family, secret shoppes, 5K, etc). "Out" hours are anything that you do on your own time, as long as there is a sponsor there (volunteering through church, raking your neighbor's yard for no pay, etc)

Double Counting: a reminder that hours cannot be double counted. This means that if you are participating in another organization which requires community service, or you are being paid for your services, you cannot count these hours toward NHS. For example, leadership students should not count canned food-drive for NHS, language honors societies should not double count their tutoring hours for NHS, and anyone getting paid to babysit etc cannot count those hours toward NHS.

Hope this clears up everything, and let me know if you have any questions.

Becky Yep

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hours from December 14

Hi all, I hope the panic from the last meeting has subsided by now!
As of this moment, all hours completed prior to last meeting, December 8, and not turned into me will not be accepted. All hours between December 8 and our next meeting must be turned in at the January meeting in order to count towards your service hours.

Some friendly reminders:
-The person you tutor is not a valid "sponsor" from whom you can receive your signature. You must get a supervising adult (e.g. the librarian, a teacher, your tutee's parent) to sign your hours log sheet.
-You must complete at least ten service hours (either in or out) by the end of first semester in order to remain a member in good standing. Seniors, this is especially important for you!
-Great hours opportunities in the next two weeks: shopping for Adopt-A-Family gifts, gift wrapping the Adopt-A-Family gifts, and raising at least $25. Each of these activities counts towards one in-school service hour!

And now...on with the hours.

Lori Arnold--1 in
Lindy Bernhardt--5 out
Brian Compere--10 out
Erica Cranston--4 out
Karen DiGangi--5 out
Brian Farruggia--6.5 in
Chris Fieldhouse--8.5 in
Jordan Greene--4 out
Laura Johnson--7.5 in, 10 out
Mian Khalid--4 out
Matt Koch--8 in
Kelly Kujawa--4 in
Jed Nieves--5 out
Priya G. Patel--5 in, 8 out
Stuart Russel--1 in
Kellie Taitano--1 in, 4 out
James Wang--4 in
Graham Welch--.5 in
Eddie Yacynych--10 out

Jess Albrecht--5 in
Hilary Andreas--9 out
Brittany Arens--1.5 in, 1.5 out
Laura Asher--2 out
Shaffer Bond--10 in
Ben Borchers--11 in
Jackie Dawson--7 in
Natalie DiProspero--2 in
Julie Ervin--7 in
Ryan Greene--2 in, 4 out
Joe Humm--5 in
Ashly James--6 in
Monika Johnson--8 out
Adeola Lawal--1 in, 6 out
Amy Lee--5 in
Michael Marino--1.5 in
Logan Pryce--6.5 in
Shalini Ray--10 out
Lauren Reiser--4 out
Becky Schumm--2 out
Kevin Shade--2 in
Corinne Straube--1 out
Rachel Sullivan--4 in
Maryssa Timberlake--5 in
Paul Walker--2 in
Emmeline Zhu--10.5 in

As always, don't hesitate to send me an e-mail if you have questions.

Grace Freund

Sunday, December 13, 2009

MALL Giftwrap vs Adopt a Family Giftwrap


there has recently been some confusion over Mall Giftwrap assignments, as well as Mall Giftwrap versus Hebron Adopt-a-family Giftwrap. So, to clear up some things:

The Mall Giftwrap is a totally separate service opportunity than the Adopt-a-family Giftwrap. Near the end of November I had you sign up for Mall Giftwrap time slots, in which you report to the Columbia Mall and help holiday shoppers wrap their purchases.

I have the following people assigned to giftwrap at the mall:

Dec 17, 6-10
Kate Appel

Dec 21, 6:30-11
Kerrie Uthoff
Becca Stanford

The Hebron Adopt-a-family Giftwrap coincides with SGA's canned food drive. On the 18th after school, the people who signed up to go shop will report to Madame Clem's room (105) to receive their money and family assignments to go shop on their own time over the weekend. These gifts will then be delivered to Madame's room on Monday, Dec 21st, and will be wrapped at school in the same room that week (of the 21st). No need to sign up for this giftwrap, just show up.

Hope this clears up everything, and sorry for the confusion. Let me know if you have any more questions, and don't forget to document your hours!

Becky Yep

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Service Opp: VARSITY bball


We've had a lot of good feedback for JV basketball games for the concession stand, so here is another opportunity, this time for VARSITY basketball concessions. The dates/times are listed below. If you are interested, please email me and specify VARSITY, since some of these dates overlap with JV. Needed: 2 people for each date (1.5 hour shift).


Fri Dec 11 @ 7pm
Fri Dec 18 @ 4pm
Mon Dec 21 @ 5:30
Wed Jan 6 @ 5:30
Fri Jan 15 @ 7pm
Wed Jan 27 @ 5:30
Fri Feb 3 @ 5:30
Tues Feb 9 @ 5:30
Thurs feb 18 @ 5:30

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Today's Meeting Overview

If you were not at the meeting today, you need to give a note to secretary Tyler Knight via the box in room 105 by the end of the week. Here's what you missed:

Hours update: were are using the monthly-hours-sheet system. Turn in your November hours by the end of the week for credit.

Adopt-a-family: every member must raise $25 (credit 1 hour- pick up a pledge sheet in room 105 if you don't have one). Sign up with friends to shop the weekend of the 19th. Giftwrapping is afterschool the week of the 20th, no need to sign up, just show up.

Guest Speaker: Ms. Cockrell and Ms. Wise came to speak about volunteering at HSES for their science fair. Email for more details.

Dues: $7 currently, will be raised to $9 after winter break.

Tutoring: please sign up to tutor for geometry!

As always, email with any questions.

Hours from December 8

Michael Tillman--10 out
James Wang--4 in
Graham Welch--1 in

Monday, December 7, 2009

December Meeting


The next meeting is tomorrow, December 8th, directly after school in the cafeteria. All members are required to attend. Be sure to bring your November hours sheet and clear your calendar to sign up for Adopt-a-family activities! Also, make sure you don't leave the meeting without picking up a December hours sheet

Becky Yep

Hours from December 7

Stuart Russel--2 in
Kevin Walther--20 in
Becky Yep--2 in

Remember, meeting tomorrow! Please bring your hour sheets from November!

Grace Freund

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Service Opp: Concession Stands for JV Basketball


Please sign up to work at the concession stands for the JV Basketball games!

Needed: 2 people per 1.5 hour shift

Mon, Dec 21, 4:00
Wed, Jan 6, 4:00
Wed, Jan 27, 4:00
Wed, Feb 3, 4:00
Fri, Feb 5, 7:00
Tues, Feb 9, 4:00
Thurs, Feb 18, 4:00

The contact person for this opportunity is Ms. Cassard, Please email either her or me with any questions. If you'd like to sign up for a shift, email!

Becky Yep

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hours from December 2

Hilary Andreas--1 in, 5 out
Julie Ervin--5 out
Amy Lee--1.5 in
Jaqueline Symon--5 out
Aarzu Ahmed--9 out
Mehan Frey--2 in
Luagh Malone--17 in

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Final Information for Adopt-a-Family


Unfortunately, due to the lack of feedback, we have decided to cancel the Bowl-a-thon that was supposed to be scheduled for next Tuesday, December 8th. There will still be a meeting right after school December 8th.

Please check your email for a pledge sheet for the Annual Adopt-a-Family program. Please read carefully as it outlines everything from money raising to gift-buying to gift-wrapping. There are many of you that have already requested to sign up to go shopping, which is wonderful (we still need all of you and more!) and I will be passing out a sign-up sheet for shopping on Tuesday. So even if you have emailed me about shopping, you need to formally sign up at the meeting.

Remember, with over a hundred families to help, we're trying to do as much as possible! Read and print those pledge sheets, and return the money and pledge sheets to Stuart Russell by December 17th.

As always, check the blog for updates and don't hesitate to email me with questions.

Becky Yep

Monday, November 30, 2009

Secret Shoppe at SJLES

Hello NHS,
Here's another service opp, this time from Saint Johns Lane Elementary School. It's basically the same thing as Worthington's Secret Shoppe, and on the same date/times.

December 5; shifts are 8:30-10:30, 10:30-12, 12-2. I have the most availability in the 10:30-12 and 12-2 slots. Please let me know if any of you are interested by emailing with your name and phone number, as well as which shift you'd like

Becky Yep

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Holiday Money-Raising


Regardless of whether or not you are able to participate in the Bowl-a-thon (although please sign up if you haven't already!) we would like ALL members to participate in holiday service; i.e. raising money for the needy families helped by SGA.

There are lots of ways to help, so get started! Raising a certain amount of money (say, $25) will get you a SMALL amount of hours (we encourage you to raise as much money as possible, but we don't want you "buying" NHS hours, so we cap the hours)

Also consider shopping with your NHS friends on a free weekend. If you volunteer to do so, you will be responsible for buying gifts for the children of the needy families. We'll provide the money and the information about the families; you just need to get a group of NHS friends, find time, and go shop.

You can also sign up to giftwrap after school. If you're interested, let me know and I'll set up some dates after school, after we buy some of the gifts.

Check your email and the blog for updates!
Becky Yep

Sunday, November 22, 2009



Here's an opportunity we were talking about at the last meeting: a National Honor Society Bowl-a-thon to raise money for the gifts for the children of the Canned-Food-Drive.

We need around twenty volunteers to come and bowl for a few hours and getting sponsors to pledge money.

Normandy Bruinswick Bowling Alley on Route 40
$8 per person
includes 2 games plus shoes
Tuesday, December 8th from 3-5 (we'll leave straight from the NHS meeting)

NHS, it's a fun opportunity for you and to help a good cause! Consider signing up! When I get a list of people I'll send out some more information about the raising money part.

Becky Yep

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hours received at November 10 Meeting

Russell Buescher--8 in
Lauren Fiasconaro--3.75 in
Jordan Greene--5 in
Mian Khalid--3.5 in
Chelsea Rogers--5 in
Alex Song--1 in
Becca Stanford--3 in
Vickie Brun--6 out
Natalie DiProspero--6.5 out
Ashly James--.5 in
Lauren Reiser--1 in, 6 out
Corinne Straube--12.5 in, 10 out
Emmeline Zhu--1 in

As you guys accumulate out-of-school hours, remember that only 10 of those service hours count toward your total NHS hours. You still need to get at least 10 in-school hours in by the end of second semester!

Also, if you have already turned in a note for a service opportunity, PLEASE do not turn in another note for that opportunity or put those hours on your hours sheet! (Ex: if you got a group note for an NHS event like the Multicultural Fair, please don't put the fair on your hours log sheet, too.) That can be terribly confusing for yours truly.

As always, if you have any questions regarding your hours, feel free to send me an email!

Grace Freund

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hours from November 10

Gina Knight--5 in
Kathleen Stafford--5 in
Carly Weilminster--5 in
Megan Frey--1 in
Anthony Goia--7.25 in
Janice Ham--10 out

Senior Scholarship Opportunity

Hey Seniors...

Our advisors have the opportunity to select up to FOUR nominees for a National Honor Society Scholarship for college! To be considered, you must fill out an information form, and then Madame and Mrs. Sankey will choose from the forms that have been turned in.

Check your email for more information! If you AREN'T receiving the emails, send your name, grade, and email address to You should get a confirmation email in return.

In addition, anyone not attending the meeting today MUST have a note of excused absence in the box in Madame's room by the end of the week.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November Meeting Reminder

Our next member meeting will be held directly after-school on Tuesday, November 10th in the cafeteria. Attendance is mandatory!

Becky Yep

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Worthington Elementary School Holiday Secret Shoppe

Hey NHS!

New service opportunity just in from Ms. Kim Bolton- they need volunteers at the annual Worthington Elementary School Holiday Secret Shoppe. I believe we had people go last year, and from what I understand, you'll basically walk kids around a little "market" in their gym as they "shop" for little presents for their parents for the holidays.

Worthington Elementary School
Saturday, December 5
Two Shifts: 10-12, 12-2
Eight volunteers per shift

Contact person: Kim Bolton, 410-750-2702

oh yeah, and they'll serve you pizza once you're done! Please volunteer!

Also, a couple of reminders:
Our next meeting is next Tuesday, Nov 10 right after school in the cafeteria. Attendance is mandatory, and remember to pick up a new hours sheet before you leave!

Seniors not-in-good-standing (those with negative hours from last year): if you have any hours you haven't turned in, get them in ASAP. And continue to make up those hours! Those seniors with negative hours will be reviewed within the next couple of weeks, and may likely be dismissed if conditions don't improve.

Be sure to be checking the blog for regular updates!

Becky Yep

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hours Due

Just a reminder to those seniors who still have negative hours... the marking period ends this week! If you have any hours you haven't turned in, get them in ASAP! Those members who currently have negative hours from last year (and thus are currently "not in good standing") are likely to be reviewed and/or potentially dismissed from NHS if they do not make up those hours by the end of this marking period.

Also, a reminder that we have a meeting after school next Tuesday, November 10, in the cafeteria.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Holiday Giftwrap!

Hey NHS, as far as I know, not many people have volunteered for this holiday giftwrap at the mall in Columbia this December. I have to get volunteers FIRST and then call the mall and reserve our spots, so please sign up ASAP!

Becky Yep

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hours from October 26

Hi all, here are the update hours as of today.

Hojung Lee--10 out
Lori Arnold--10 out
Dong Lee--7 in
Grace Freund--10 out
Kate Arsenault--5 out
Christopher Harris--10 out
Kevin Walther--6 in

Feel free to email me with any questions!

Grace Freund

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Positions Needed!

Hey NHS, we are looking to fill two positions: a historian to document and take pictures of the members in action during volunteer events, and an official NHS-Viking Backers Liaison to formally represent both parties to one another for the rest of the year! More information about the Viking Backers Liaison position has been sent in an email.

Please let me know ASAP if you are interested!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Attention All NHS Senior Members!
You have been guaranteed a $50,000 scholarship!

Washington College in Chestertown, MD, has guaranteed a minimum scholarship of $50,000 ($12,500 annually for four years) to any NHS member admitted and choosing to attend their university. So, something to keep in mind, if you are planning on attending Washington College! Any questions, email, or email the VP of Washington College Admissions directly, Kevin Coveney at:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hours from October 16

Hi everyone, here are some updated hours. Be sure to check your hours status on the spreadsheet, which can be found by following the link on the sidebar.

Returning seniors, please stop by Mme. Clem's room to pick up an official hours log. We're doing a new system this year, where you will log all of your service hours for one month on the log and then turn your logs in to me at the next month's meeting. No more individual notes per service opportunity (although that is an perfectly fine substitution if you don't have your official log on you.) We're trying to make our hours collection process a bit more streamlined this year.

If you have any questions about obtaining/logging your hours, feel free to send me questions at

On to the hours!

Brian Compere--2 in
Janice Ham--3.5 in
Grace Freund--3 in
Neha Macwan--3 in
Andrew Walker--4 in
Lena Carmona--3 in
Lori Arnold--3 in
Imani Williams--3 in
Amy Lee--3 in
Jess Albrecht--3 in
Maryssa Timberlake--3 in

Grace Freund

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Service Opportunity: Holiday Giftwrapping!

Hey NHS, here's a great opportunity that we have participated in during years past. It's lots of fun and really helps the public during the holiday season.

Holiday Gift Wrap at the Columbia Shopping Mall- basically you stand at a table for a couple of hours and help people wrap their holiday gifts. No big deal! :)

The dates are broken up into several four-hour shifts. The shifts run: 10-2, 2-6, 6-10

Friday, Dec 4 (need two volunteers per shift)
Saturday, Dec 5 (4 volunteers/shift)
Wed, Dec 9 (4 volunteers/shift)
Friday, Dec 11 (6 volunteers/shift)
Saturday, Dec 12 (8 volunteers/shift)
Wed, Dec 16 (8 Volunteers/shift)
Thurs, Dec 17 (8 volunteers/shift)
Fri, Dec 18 (8 volunteers/shift)

For Sat, Dec 19 (10 volunteers/shift) and Mon, Dec 21 (8 volunteers/shift), the shifts are: 9-1:30, 1:30-6:30, 6:30-11

I know that this is a long way away, but please get those hours in and sign up! This is something that we volunteer for every year; it's a lot of fun and an easy way to cumulative a lot of hours. I need to get a preliminary head count, so let me know if you're interested!

Becky Yep

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October Meeting Wrap-up

Hi everyone, thanks for coming to the meeting today. I know things can get a little hectic, but I'm glad we were able to work most of everything out. A few highlights for all members:

$5 dues are due to treasurer Stuart Russell by November's meeting. At the next meeting we will be increasing the amount past $5, so get those in!

If anyone was at the meeting and did not sign an email sheet, you need to email for two purposes: so we know you were there and so we have your email addresses. We are in the process of updating the email distribution list (although it will take a while, there are over 100 of you!) so expect to be getting emails soon. If you don't receive emails within the next couple of weeks, it means that your email address was illegible and has bounced back, and that you must email to be put on the list

any and all Patapsco Scholastic Saturday forms leftover need to be returned to me ASAP, please and thank you

If anyone would like a new cheat-sheet or the formal hours document, see Madame in room 105

questions, comments?

thanks guys!
Becky Yep

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Hi NHS, please check your email for more information about the induction ceremony as far as dress, attendance, volunteering, etc. if you are not receiving the information emails from me (I'm sending a lot of them, believe me!) please email with your name, grade, and email address.

Get those hours documented! Seniors with negative hours will likely be dismissed by the end of first quarter.

Becky Yep

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

MultiCultural Festival

Hi everyone, thanks for the great feedback in volunteering for the MultiCultural festival on October 3rd and 4th!

Here is the basic information again:
Orthodox Church of St Matthew Multi-Cultural Fall Festival
7271 Eden Brook Drive
Columbia, MD
Kings Contrivance Village Center

contact: Kristi Sturm, program coordinator (report to her in the kid's corner upon arrival), 410-507-4506

Make sure you wear appropriate clothing for family oriented outdoor activities!
Don't forget to get your hours documented!

Here are the volunteers I have so far:

Shift 1: Grace Freund, Lena Carmona, Amy Lee, Imani Williams, Lori Arnold
Shift 2: Corinne Straube, Lena Carmona, Dong-Ju Lee, Taylor Babin
Shift 3: Maryssa Timberlake

Shift 1: Olivia Vo
Shift 2: Dong-Ju Lee
Andrew Walker

We could still use tons more volunteers! Get those hours in early!

Becky Yep

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Just a Reminder:

A note to senior members:

If you have negative hours, you MUST make them up before the end of first quarter or face the Faculty Council and very probable dismissal.

I've sent the individuals who DO have negative hours some emails about service opportunities available to you! Please sign up for them

Becky Yep

Friday, September 25, 2009

Volunteers Needed

Please sign up for the Multicultural Fest next weekend, October 3-4. Our volunteer count at the moment is ZERO.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Information Needed

The following new inductees have to turn in their information (tutor forms/pledge sheet) to the NHS office:

Laura Johnson
Ajay Kurup
Brain McCarter
Agree Ahmed
Sara Albrecht
Brittany Arens
Alyssa Halper
Melissa Linn
Michael Marino
Kevin Mertz
Hamza Raja

please get these in as soon as possible so we can add you to the Induction Ceremony program!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Hours from September 17th

Welcome to a new year of NHS! This is the first hours update blog of the new school year--can you feel the excitement? I, personally, have been tingling with anticipation all day.

Kate Appel--4 hours
Kelly Kujawa--4 out
Emily Naviasky--6 out
Graham Welch--4 out
Becky Yep--20 out

Grace Freund


Hey everyone, a couple of reminders:

please please sign up for the multi cultural festival on October 3rd. So far we have NO volunteers!! Get those hours in early!

New senior and junior members, please email with your email address so we can add you to the database! And anyone who is not receiving the emails I'm sending (I send a lot of them!) please also email

Induction Ceremony is Wednesday, October 7, at 7:30 in the gym. Even if you are not volunteering please attend to show support for the new members!

Finally, is anyone interested in NHS spirit-wear? I was recently given a big catalog with all sorts of items we could print the NHS logo on...thoughts? Commentary? FB or email would be great, thanks :)

Becky Yep

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Octoberfest at Turf Valley

Hey everyone that volunteered for the Octoberfest at Turf Valley!

More details:
Sunday, October 18th, 4:30-9:30
Report to the main ballroom at Turf Valley Resort (route 40 west) at 4:30 to a Mr. Joel Latin or Ms. Linda Starbuck
Dress: khakis or black pants, white shirts/blouses only. This will be a clean-up duty mostly, so girls, don't wear skirts.

I have the following people signed up:
Kathleen Stafford
Mara Palmateer
Chris Carrese
Emily Naviasky
Chelsea Rogers
Janice Ham
Neha Macwan
Lauren Fiasconaro
Lindy Bernhardt
Jordan Greene
Becca Stanford
Kerrie Uthoff
Kate Arsenault
Gina Knight
Carly Weilminster

Don't forget to get your hours signed!

Thanks guys
Becky Yep

Friday, September 11, 2009

Service Opp

Hi guys, here is another service opp that we did last year:

The Orthodox Church of St. Matthew's MultiCultural Fall Festival
Saturday, Oct 3, 11:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 4, 1-7 PM

7271 Eden Brook Drive; Columbia, MD
Kings Contrivance Village Center

We're going to do this in shifts and categories. please provide name, email, and phone number. don't hesitate to sign up for more than one shift!

Saturday, October 3rd:
Shift 1 (10 AM to 1 PM)
need: 6 people for games, 4 people for activities, 4 people for crafts
Shift 2: (1PM to 4PM)
need: 6 people for games, 4 people for activites, 4 people for crafts
Shift 3: (4PM to 7PM):
need: 6 people for games, 4 people for activities, 4 people for crafts

Sunday, October 4:
Shift 1 (12-3PM)
need: 6 people for games, 4 people for activities, 4 people for crafts
Shift 2 (3-6 PM)
need: 6 people for games, 4 people for activities, 4 people for crafts

email and i'll send your names and information to the program director, Kristi Sturm; and then after you sign up you should be in direct contact with her (410-507-4506)

Thanks everyone
Becky Yep

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

more stuff

okay, so currently i have that luagh malone, kerrie uthoff, and monika johnson are not receiving emails and aren't on the distribution list. please email so we can put you on the list!

people that signed up for resurrection aftercare volunteering, check your email for updates please :)

remember those $5 dues are due asap!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Meeting Wrap-Up

hey everyone! today was our first meeting, so I just wanted to highlight some things:

if you weren't there, let tyler know or drop a note off in madame clem's room. there were some handouts given out during the meeting, so see me so you can pick them up!

$5 membership dues are due to stuart the treasurer asap. please get those in so we don't have to raise the prices!

we have some good feedback about the turf valley hospice event, the resurrection aftercare opportunity, and the induction ceremony. more information will come to each of the volunteers specifically via email very soon, so keep an eye out :)

the induction ceremony is on october 7 (wednesday) at 7:30. regardless of if you volunteered to help out, please BE THERE to show support to our new members!


thank you all for coming today :)
becky yep

Monday, September 7, 2009

The first NHS meeting of the new school year will be directly after school tomorrow, Tuesday, September 8th in the cafeteria. We will be discussing new service opportunities and the upcoming NHS Induction Ceremony on October 7th.

-Stuart Russell

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hi everybody, happy second week of summer :) Alright, so I've been sending nagging emails about this service opportunity, but now I have final details...

89th Annual Montgomery General Hospital Picnic and Bazaar
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Located on the Corner of Prince Philip Drive and Route 108 in Olney (in front of the old hospital in Montgomery County, about 20 minutes from Columbia)
Volunteers will be asked to spend one or more two hour shifts outside, either working at antique/bazaar booths, in Kiddie Land, or the food stands
Volunteers should dress casually, prepared for heat, and should report to the yellow tent provided by Sandy Spring Bank at the beginning and end of their volunteer period to receive jobs and credit for hours. You will contact either Joyce Saunderson or Sunny Banvard.

Here's how we're going to break things up: As far as I know, they need as many volunteers as possible throughout the entire day. So, we're going to split up the 10 hour time frame into 5 two-hour shifts-please volunteer for a specific shift(s) when you reply. The shifts are:
10AM-12 noon

These hours will count for in-school hours for the fall of 2009. When you reply, reply to so that all of your officers and give a collaborative effort in organizing please! Any questions, don't hesitate to email!

Becky Yep

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Last Hours of 08-09 School Year

Sorry these are a bit late.

Lauren Fiasconaro--10 out
Chris Carrese--7 in
Aidan Hoolachan--2 in
Chris Fieldhouse--2 in

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hours from June 17

Kelly Kujawa--3.5 in
Caroline Cottrell--6 out
Kathleen Stafford--3 in

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hours from June 16

Jordan Greene--5 in
Tyler Knight--5 in
Neha Macwan--5 in
Graham Welch--5 in
Kate Arsenault--1 out

Monday, June 15, 2009

Hours from June 15

Jed Nieves--8 in
Kevin Walther--3.5 in, 2 out
Andrew Walker--2 in
Kate Arsenault--4 out
Becky Yep--4 out
Chris Fieldhouse--4.5 in
Janice Ham--1 in

Monday, June 8, 2009

Hours from June 8, 2009

Jess Murphy--5 in
Kevin McNerney--8 out, 2 in
Kathleen Stafford--2 in
Kerrie Uthoff--3.5 in
Emily Roenigk--3.5 in
Gina Knight--3.5 in

All hours for the 08-09 school year are due Wednesday, June 17! Please get them in, guys!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Waverly Field Day Hours

From June 5, 2009:

Russel Buescher--6.5 in
Karen DiGangi--6.5 in
Amanda Strem--3.5 in
Grace Freund--3.5 in
Tyler Knight--3.5 in
Eddie Yacynych--3.5 in

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hours from June 3

Carly Weilminster--3 out
James Wang--3.5 in
Christopher Harris--5 out
Kathleen Stafford--6.5 out
Aarzu Ahmed--2 in
Mara Palmateer--8 out
Andrew Walker--12 out
Karen DiGangi--4 in

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hours from May 21

Jess Murphy--6 in
Emily Naviasky--6 in
Brian Compere--10 out
Kevin McNerney--9 in

Sincerely, your new hours secretary,
Grace Freund :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

FINAL SENIOR HOURS RECEIVED/ Hours received by May 15th

More Viking 5K hours:
Michael Tillman- 4
Stuart Russell- 2
Grace Freund- 3
Becca Stanford- 3
Kelsey Prucha-Mitchell- 1
Samantha Summers- 2
Rachel Grier- 2
Dustin Dimattia- 2
Grace Park- 3
Starr Chen- 3
Jordan Greene- 2
Wenyue Wu- 1
Angela Maxwell- 2
Janice Ham- 2
Zach Weinstein- 4
Nick Shade- 3
Steven Wilkinson- 3
Ryan Steinbach- 3
Lindy Bernhardt- 4
Amanda Strem- 3
Alice Goodman- 4

Other Hours:
Steven Wilkinson- 2.5 in
Hillary Wilk- 12 in
Gina Knight- 2 in
Luis Pena- 8 in
Emily Schumm- 3 in
Charles Chen- 5 in

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hours Received by May 11th and Viking 5K hours

Chris Harris- 6.5 in
Watson Lum- 4 in
Zach Weinstein- 7 in
Becca Stanford- 3 in
Cameron Ely- 2 in, 3 out
Alex Surdu- 5 in
Angela Maxwell- 4 in
Lindsey Rodkey- 1.5 in
Derek Fleck- 7 in
Karthik Venkatraman- 1.5 in
Angela Malczyn- 4 in, 5 out
Grace Park- 4 in
Hillary Wilk- 2.5 in
Graham Welch- 4 in
Kerrie Uthoff- 3 in
Megan Frey- 1.5 in
Vincent Siu- 4 out
Melissa Le- 4.5 in
Steven Wilkinson- 2.5 in

VIKING 5K Bake Sale (1 hour in school)

Grace Freund
John Brun
Melissa Le
Amanda Strem
Samee Ardinger
Jordan Greene
Kelsey Prucha-Mitchell
Stuart Russell
Chris Carrese
Carly Weilminster
Emily Naviasky
Lindsey Rodkey
Dan Johnson
Brian Compere

Samee Ardinder- 9
John Brun- 4
Erica Cranston- 4
Cara Curran- 4
Derek Fleck- 3
Jordan Greene- 4
Taylor Jensen- 4
Dan Johnson- 4
Patrick Kennedy- 4
Angela Maxwell- 4
Kelsey Prucha-Mitchell- 4
Emily Roegnik- 4
Nick Shade- 4.5
Becca Stanford- 4
Samantha Summers- 4
Ryan Steinbach- 4.5
Andy Tamburrino- 4
Michael Tillman- 4.5
Kelvin Tran- 4
Kerrie Uthoff- 4
Carly Weilminster- 3.5
Steven Wilkinson- 4
James Wang- 4
Becky Yep- 4.5
Lindy Bernhardt- ?
Amanda Strem- ?

These people have given notes indicating their participation with distributing flyers for the Viking 5K.
Stuart Russell- 1 hour
John Brun- 1 hour

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Info



Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hours Received by May 1st

Jeff Fitch- 3 in
Grace Park- 4 in
Cara Curran- 3.5 in
Liz Buckshaw- 8.5 in
Sammy Ardinger- 4 out
Stuart Russell- 2.5 out
Alice Goodman- 2.5 in, 3 out
Starr Chen- 1.5 in
Cara DiClemente- 1 in
Rohini Bhatia- 6 out, 3 in
Pat Kennedy- 5 in
Julia Benson- 2 in
John Brun- 5 in, 1.5 out
Lauren Fiasconaro- 1 in
Graham Welch- 1 in
Mike Tillman- 5 in
Becky Yep- 5 in
Ryan Steinbach- 5 in
Nick Shade- 5 in
Jordan Green- 1.5 in
Sam Summers- 5 in
Alex Song- 2.5 in
Andrew Lohr- 2.5 in
Andrew Walker- 3 out
Watson Lum- 4 in
Steven Wilkinson- 4 in
Erica Cranston- 2.5 out
Mara Palmateer- 4.5 in
Grace Freund- 2.5 in
Katie Coffey- 2 in
Christina Fuji- 3 out
Kevin McNamara- 3.5 in
Cameron Ely- 5 in

All volunteers for the Viking 5k this past weekend, turn in your hours ASAP so I can record them.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Band Solo and Ensemble Hours and Hours Received before April 16th

10 Hours:

Jed Nieves
Dustin DiMattia
Alex Lim
Courtenay Durr
Christina Fuji
Lisa Glenn
Megan O'Hern
Alex Surdu
Stephen Tawa
Kevin Bao
Mukung Park
Amanda Strem

5 Hours:

Becky Yep
Megan Frey
Ryan Steinbach
Andrew Lohr
Kelvin Tran
Brian Compere
Nick Shade
Dan Johnson
Stuart Russell
Kevin Schmidt
Wenyue Wu
Eddie Yacynych
Tyler Knight
Russell Buescher
Steven Wilkinson

Other Hours:
Chris Fieldhouse- 4 in school
James Wang- 3.5 in school
Alex Song- 3.5 in school
Chris Harris- 1 in school
Emily Naviasky- 3.5 in school
Graham Welch- 8 out of school
Meghan Savage- 3.5 in school
Erica Cranston- 1.5 in school, 3 out of school
Taylor Jensen- 1 in school, 4 out of school
Aarzu Ahmed- 2.5 in school, 4 out of school
John Brun- 5.5 out of school
Andrew Lohr- 2.5 in school
Karthik Venkatraman- 3.5 in school
Megan Frey- 4 in school
Samantha Stewart- 3.5 in school
Hojung Lee- 10 out of school

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Hours Received by March 10th

Stephen Tawa- 3.5 in
Rachel Grier- 2 in
Cara Curran- 4 in
Lauren Fiasconaro- 2.5 in
Kevin Bao- 2 in
Karthik Venkatraman- 3.5 in

Waverly Elementary Jump Rope For Heart Hours (all in school)
Manu Anjanappa- 3
Caroline Cottrell- 6
Erica Cranston- 3
Cara DiClemente- 3
Jeff Fitch- 6
Derek Fleck- 6
Rachel Grier- 6
Sara Grove- 6
Aidan Hoolachan- 3
Kelly Kujawa- 3
Kelsey Prucha-Mitchell- 3
Lindsey Rodkey- 3
Vincent Siu- 5
Zach Weinstein- 6
Wenyue Wu- 2
Stephen Tawa- 3
Cameron Ely- 3
Lisa Glenn- 3
Melissa Le- 3
Angela Maxwell- 3
Chelsea Rogers- 3
Eddie Yacynych- 3
Andy Tamburrino- 3
Dan Johnson- 3

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hours Received Before February 27th

Kelsey Prucha-Mitchell- 3 in school
Chris Harris- 2 in school
Megan Frey- 1 out of school
Graham Welch- 1 in school
Dan Johnson- 2.5 out of school
Grace Freund- 3.5 in school
Neha Macwan- 15.5 in school (I added your 4 Multicultural Fair hours)
Charles Chen- 3.5 in school
Michael Tillman- 3.5 in school
Becky Yep- 10 in school
Alex Song- 2 in school
Chelsea Rogers- 8 in school
Vincent Siu- 6 out of school
Carly Weilminster- 5 out of school
Brian Cheong- 11 in school
Andy Tamburrino- 4 in school

Becca Stanford and Kerrie Uthoff- I added 4 hours for each of you for the Multicultural Fair.

Monday, February 9, 2009

More Hours Received February 9th

Kevin Bao- 4 hours in school
Sara Grove- 3 hours in school
Samantha Stewart- 5 hours out of school
Carly Weilminster- 5 hours out of school


Hours Received February 9th

Kathleen Stafford- 2 hours out of school
Karen DiGangi- 1 hour in school
Greg Barr- 1.5 hours in school
Karthik Venkatraman- 3 hours out of school
Charles Chen- 3.5 hours in school

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hours Received February 2nd

Ryan Steinbach- 4 hours in school
Andrew Lohr- 1.5 hours in school
Rohini Bhatia- 3.5 hours in school
Jed Nieves- 5 hours in school
Luis Pena- 10 hours in school
Luagh Malone- 11.5 hours in school
Sam Summers- 3 hours out of school
Graham Welch- 3.5 hours in school
Samantha Stewart- 6.5 hours in school, 3 hours out of school
Chris Carrese- 4 hours out of school
Dan Johnson- .5 hours in school
Angela Mensah- 10 hours out of school

John Brun (Adopt-A-Family correction)- 1 hour in school

Thursday, January 29, 2009


These people listed below participated in either driving or riding for the Canned Food Drive delivery day. Everyone who participated on that day receives 2 service hours.

Becca Stanford
Nick Shade
Watson Lum
Alex Lim
Kerri Uthoff
Chris Fieldhouse
Sam Stewart
Manu Anjanappa
Cara Curran
Chris Carrese
Erica Cranston
Jeff Fitch
Kate Appel
Steven Wilkinson
Tyler Knight
Zach Weinstein
Christina Fuji
Cara DiClemente
Emily Schumm
Sara Grove
Hillary Wilk
Ryan Steinbach
Graham Welch
Derek Fleck
Luis Pena
Kelsey Prucha-Mitchell
Alice Goodman
Emily Roegnik
Lindsey Rodkey
Karen DiGangi
Dan Johnson
Cameron Ely
Jessica Giles
Andy Tamburrino
Carly Weilminster
Kevin Schmidt
Karthik Venkatraman
Lisa Glenn
Melissa Le
Katie Coffey
Angela Malczyn
Patrick Kennedy
Amanda Strem
Greg Barr
Megan Frey
Brian Cheong
Mara Palmateer
Meghan Savage
Julia Benson
Rohini Bhatia

Jeff Fitch- 4 hours just added for Multi-Cultural Fair

Hours Received January 29th

Erica Cranston- 1 hour in school
Rachel Grier- 1 hour in school
Emily Naviasky- 5.5 hours out of school
Patrick Kennedy- 1 hour in school
Julia Benson- 14 hours in school
Meghan Savage- 7.5 hours in school
Chris Harris- 1 hour in school
Megan Frey- 9 hours in school
Eddie Yacynych- 7 hours out of school
Andrew Walker- 2.5 hours in school
Kevin Walther- 11.5 hours in school
Cameron Ely- 3 hours in school
Jed Nieves- 1.5 hours in school
Aidan Hoolachan- 5 hours out of school
Courtenay Durr- 1 hour in school
Caroline Cottrell- 7 hours out of school, 5 hours in school
Kelly Kujawa- 5 hours in school
Gina Knight- 7 hours out of school
Kevin Bao- 2 hours in school
Alex Surdu- 4.5 hours in school
Lauren Fiasconaro- 3 hours out of school

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hours Received by January 19th

Jordan Greene- 1 hour in school (adopt a family), 5 hours in school (tutoring)
Katie Coffey- 1 hour in school (adopt a family)
Aidan Hoolachan- 1 hour in school
Chris Carrese- 1 hour in school
Mukung Park- 4 hours in school
Lindsey Rodkey- 4 hours in school
Kevin Schmidt- 1.5 hours in school
Emily Naviasky- 7 hours in school

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Hours Addition

Jess Murphy- 10 hours out of school

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More Hours Received January 13th

Melissa Le- 1.5 hours in school
Alex Surdu- 2 hours in school
Graham Welch- 2.5 hours in school
Chris Carrese- 5 hours in school
Courtenay Durr- 8.5 hours in school
Kerrie Uthoff- 2.5 hours in school

For those who need hours from the Multi-Cultural Fair, I will check on those and put the hours in soon.

Hours Received January 13th and Adopt-A-Family Hours

Alex Lim- 5 hours in school
Ryan Steinbach- 5 hours in school
Andrew Walker- 3 hours out of school

ADOPT-A-FAMILY (all in school hours)
Chris Harris- 3 hours
Alex Lim- 2 hours
Melissa Le- 1 hour
Megan O'Hern- 2 hours
James Wang- 2 hours
John Brun- 2 hours
Grace Freund- 1 hour
Becca Stanford- 1 hour
Jeff Fitch- 1 hour
Sara Grove- 3 hours
Lindy Bernhardt- 1 hour
Cara DiClemente- 2 hours
Stephen Tawa- 1 hour
Alice Goodman- 2 hours
Lisa Glenn- 2 hours
Alex Song- 2 hours
Kerrie Uthoff- 1 hour
Lauren Fiasconaro- 2 hours
Karen DiGangi- 2 hours
Luagh Malone- 2 hours
Dan Johnson- 2 hours
Andrew Walker- 2 hours
Dustin DiMattia- 3 hours
Rebecca Wilson- 1 hour
Kathleen Stafford- 1 hour
Graham Welch- 1 hour
Derek Fleck- 2 hours

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hours Received January 12th

Sorry everyone! I am entering the hours for Canned Food Drive and Adopt-A-Family tomorrow during school and I will have an updated sheet of everyone's hours at the meeting.

Patrick Kennedy- 3.5 hours out of school
Taylor Jensen- 3.5 hours out of school, 1 hour in school
Brian Compere- 7 hours out of school
Aarzu Ahmed- .5 hours in school
Chris Fieldhouse- 2 hours out of school
Samantha Summers- 4 hours out of school
Eddie Yacynych- 4 hours in school
Greg Barr- 5 hours in school
Michael Tillman- 5 hours in school
Mara Palmateer- 5 hours in school

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hours Received January 8th

Kelvin Tran- 10.5 hours in school
Aarzu Ahmed- 2.5 hours in school
Cara DiClemente- 1.5 hours in school
Sara Grove- 1.5 hours in school
Russell Buescher- 5 hours out of school
Andy Tamburrino- 1 hour in school
Gina Knight- 5 hours in school


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hours Received January 7th

James Wang- 2 hours in school
Jess Murphy- 1 hour in school
Jessica Giles- 3 hours in school
Lisa Glenn- 5 hours in school
Brian Cheong- 5.5 hours in school
Hojung Lee- 5 hours in school
Andrew Lohr- 2.5 hours in school
Kate Arsenault- 3.5 hours in school
Hillary Wilk- 4 hours in school
Samantha Ardinger- 4 hours in school
Melissa Le- 5 hours in school
Janice Ham- 5 hours in school
Angela Maxwell- 5.5 hours in school
Alice Goodman- 10 hours out of school

Sunday, January 4, 2009

More Hours January 4th

Angela Malczyn- 4 hours in school
Rachel Grier- 4 hours in school

I still need to put in canned food drive hours and NHS gift wrap hours so expect them soon!