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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What Counts for Hours?


Just a little bit of info for you all...

I hope by this point you all understand "in" versus "out" of school hours. I.e. "in" hours are when you volunteer for anything that I have sent you emails about, that the NHS board is directly involved in (holiday giftwrap, adopt-a-family, secret shoppes, 5K, etc). "Out" hours are anything that you do on your own time, as long as there is a sponsor there (volunteering through church, raking your neighbor's yard for no pay, etc)

Double Counting: a reminder that hours cannot be double counted. This means that if you are participating in another organization which requires community service, or you are being paid for your services, you cannot count these hours toward NHS. For example, leadership students should not count canned food-drive for NHS, language honors societies should not double count their tutoring hours for NHS, and anyone getting paid to babysit etc cannot count those hours toward NHS.

Hope this clears up everything, and let me know if you have any questions.

Becky Yep

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