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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Worthington Elementary School Holiday Secret Shoppe

Hey NHS!

New service opportunity just in from Ms. Kim Bolton- they need volunteers at the annual Worthington Elementary School Holiday Secret Shoppe. I believe we had people go last year, and from what I understand, you'll basically walk kids around a little "market" in their gym as they "shop" for little presents for their parents for the holidays.

Worthington Elementary School
Saturday, December 5
Two Shifts: 10-12, 12-2
Eight volunteers per shift

Contact person: Kim Bolton, 410-750-2702

oh yeah, and they'll serve you pizza once you're done! Please volunteer!

Also, a couple of reminders:
Our next meeting is next Tuesday, Nov 10 right after school in the cafeteria. Attendance is mandatory, and remember to pick up a new hours sheet before you leave!

Seniors not-in-good-standing (those with negative hours from last year): if you have any hours you haven't turned in, get them in ASAP. And continue to make up those hours! Those seniors with negative hours will be reviewed within the next couple of weeks, and may likely be dismissed if conditions don't improve.

Be sure to be checking the blog for regular updates!

Becky Yep

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