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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Holiday Giftwrap!

Hey NHS, as far as I know, not many people have volunteered for this holiday giftwrap at the mall in Columbia this December. I have to get volunteers FIRST and then call the mall and reserve our spots, so please sign up ASAP!

Becky Yep

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hours from October 26

Hi all, here are the update hours as of today.

Hojung Lee--10 out
Lori Arnold--10 out
Dong Lee--7 in
Grace Freund--10 out
Kate Arsenault--5 out
Christopher Harris--10 out
Kevin Walther--6 in

Feel free to email me with any questions!

Grace Freund

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Positions Needed!

Hey NHS, we are looking to fill two positions: a historian to document and take pictures of the members in action during volunteer events, and an official NHS-Viking Backers Liaison to formally represent both parties to one another for the rest of the year! More information about the Viking Backers Liaison position has been sent in an email.

Please let me know ASAP if you are interested!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Attention All NHS Senior Members!
You have been guaranteed a $50,000 scholarship!

Washington College in Chestertown, MD, has guaranteed a minimum scholarship of $50,000 ($12,500 annually for four years) to any NHS member admitted and choosing to attend their university. So, something to keep in mind, if you are planning on attending Washington College! Any questions, email, or email the VP of Washington College Admissions directly, Kevin Coveney at:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hours from October 16

Hi everyone, here are some updated hours. Be sure to check your hours status on the spreadsheet, which can be found by following the link on the sidebar.

Returning seniors, please stop by Mme. Clem's room to pick up an official hours log. We're doing a new system this year, where you will log all of your service hours for one month on the log and then turn your logs in to me at the next month's meeting. No more individual notes per service opportunity (although that is an perfectly fine substitution if you don't have your official log on you.) We're trying to make our hours collection process a bit more streamlined this year.

If you have any questions about obtaining/logging your hours, feel free to send me questions at

On to the hours!

Brian Compere--2 in
Janice Ham--3.5 in
Grace Freund--3 in
Neha Macwan--3 in
Andrew Walker--4 in
Lena Carmona--3 in
Lori Arnold--3 in
Imani Williams--3 in
Amy Lee--3 in
Jess Albrecht--3 in
Maryssa Timberlake--3 in

Grace Freund

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Service Opportunity: Holiday Giftwrapping!

Hey NHS, here's a great opportunity that we have participated in during years past. It's lots of fun and really helps the public during the holiday season.

Holiday Gift Wrap at the Columbia Shopping Mall- basically you stand at a table for a couple of hours and help people wrap their holiday gifts. No big deal! :)

The dates are broken up into several four-hour shifts. The shifts run: 10-2, 2-6, 6-10

Friday, Dec 4 (need two volunteers per shift)
Saturday, Dec 5 (4 volunteers/shift)
Wed, Dec 9 (4 volunteers/shift)
Friday, Dec 11 (6 volunteers/shift)
Saturday, Dec 12 (8 volunteers/shift)
Wed, Dec 16 (8 Volunteers/shift)
Thurs, Dec 17 (8 volunteers/shift)
Fri, Dec 18 (8 volunteers/shift)

For Sat, Dec 19 (10 volunteers/shift) and Mon, Dec 21 (8 volunteers/shift), the shifts are: 9-1:30, 1:30-6:30, 6:30-11

I know that this is a long way away, but please get those hours in and sign up! This is something that we volunteer for every year; it's a lot of fun and an easy way to cumulative a lot of hours. I need to get a preliminary head count, so let me know if you're interested!

Becky Yep

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

October Meeting Wrap-up

Hi everyone, thanks for coming to the meeting today. I know things can get a little hectic, but I'm glad we were able to work most of everything out. A few highlights for all members:

$5 dues are due to treasurer Stuart Russell by November's meeting. At the next meeting we will be increasing the amount past $5, so get those in!

If anyone was at the meeting and did not sign an email sheet, you need to email for two purposes: so we know you were there and so we have your email addresses. We are in the process of updating the email distribution list (although it will take a while, there are over 100 of you!) so expect to be getting emails soon. If you don't receive emails within the next couple of weeks, it means that your email address was illegible and has bounced back, and that you must email to be put on the list

any and all Patapsco Scholastic Saturday forms leftover need to be returned to me ASAP, please and thank you

If anyone would like a new cheat-sheet or the formal hours document, see Madame in room 105

questions, comments?

thanks guys!
Becky Yep

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Hi NHS, please check your email for more information about the induction ceremony as far as dress, attendance, volunteering, etc. if you are not receiving the information emails from me (I'm sending a lot of them, believe me!) please email with your name, grade, and email address.

Get those hours documented! Seniors with negative hours will likely be dismissed by the end of first quarter.

Becky Yep