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Monday, December 24, 2007

Bowl-a-thon Hours

Some people did not turn money, or they turned money but did not participate in either the giftwrapping or shopping. These people listed below earn 1 hour:

Tom Gorman
Madison Farruggia
Manu Anjanappa
Sandhya Patel
Leslie Carresse
Rohini Bhatia
Allie Birmingham
Tracie Ervin
Cameron Ely
Jeff Fitch
MuKung Park
Suzanne Lassise
Angela Maxwell

The following people get 2 hours for shopping and giftwrapping but without brining in money:

Jane Choe
Nora Mahjid
Rebecca Wilson

The following get 2 hours for either giftwrapping or shopping and bringing in money:

Alex Lim
Stephen Tawa
Dan Johnson
Brian Cheong
Lisa Glenn
Melissa Le
Jess Giles
Julia Benson
Alice Goodman
Adam Russell
Rich Ireland
Erik Schmidt
Ryan Haq
Megan O'Hern
Grace Park
Jessica McCann
Billy Queen
Nate Haynes
Angela Mensah
Sean Symon

The following people earn 4 hours for shopping, giftwrapping, and bringing in money:

Tom Keagle
Martese Hoffman
Christina Fuji

The following people earn 3 hours for shopping or giftwrapping and raising more than $100:

Vincent Siu
Amanda Kovar
Derek Fleck

The following people earn 5 hours for shopping, giftwrapping, and raising more than $100:

Laura Tschirgi
Ben Tschirgi
Stephanie Schweizer


Hours Received Dec. 24th

Leslie Carrese (6 hours in school)
Dan Johnson (3 hours in school)
Cara DiClemente (4.5 hours in school)
Julia Benson (4 hours in school)
Kelsey Prucha-Mitchell (8 hours in school)
Jin Sol Yun (8.5 hours in school)
Alex Lim (4.5 hours in school)
Brian Cheong (3.5 hours in school)
Chi Ham (8.5 hours in school)
Lindsey Rodkey (4 hours in school)
Andy Tamburrino (4 hours in school)
Emily Ranson (3 hours in school)
Christina Fuji (5 hours out of school)
Jeff Fitch (4 hours in school)
Jane Choe (10 hours out of school)
Cindy Zhu (4 hours in school)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Hours Received Dec. 16th

Laura Tschirgi (8 hours in school)
Laura Tschirgi (1 hour out of school)
Mohammad Oweis (4 hours in school)
Meghan Savage (1 hour in school)
Melissa Le (1 hour in school)
Samantha Ardinger (4 hours in school)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hours Received Dec. 12th

Adam Russell (2 hours in school)
Hillary Wilk (4 hours in school)
Ryan Steinbach (4 hours in school)
Melissa Miller (7 hours in school)
Meaghan Campbell (7 hours in school)
Melissa Le (4 hours in school)
Christina Fuji (2 hours out of school)
Megan O'Hern (2 hours out of school)
Theresa Neiderer (7 hours in school)
Nick Shade (5 hours out of school)
Meghan Savage (4 hours in school)

Martese, the poetry alive hours you turned in today were already counted before Madame handed out the certificates.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Hours Received Dec. 11th

Lindsey Rodkey (4 hours in school)
Stephen Tawa (4 hours in school)
Martese Hoffman (4 hours in school)
Allie Birmingham (3 hours in school)
Mohammad Oweis (3 hours in school)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Hours Received Dec. 8th

Rohini Bhatia (5 hours out of school)
John Brun (10 hours out of school)
Tracie Ervin (7 hours out of school)
Cameron Ely (5 hours out of school)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Hours Received Dec 1st

Noora Majid (all your hours are complete)
Rachel Grier (4 hours in school)
Hillary Wilk (2 hours out of school)
Meghan Savage (4 hours in school)
Gregory Barr (3 hours in school)

Poetry Alive Hours

Make sure that these are correct. I recorded them before Madame gave out the certificates.
All hours count for in-school.

Emily Ranson 4
Jane Choe 2
Noora Majid 3
Ryan Haq 4

Martese Hoffman 3
Lisa Glenn 3
Star Chen 4
Mukung Park 2
Cara DiClemente 4
Sara Grove 4
Rohini Bhatia 3
Angela Maxwell 3

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hours Received Nov 28th

Tracie Ervin (2 hours in school)
Derek Fleck (3 hours in school)
Rohini Bhatia (1 hour in school)

Friday, November 16, 2007

Hours Received Nov 16th

Samantha Ardinger (3 hours in school)
Melissa Le (10 hours out of school)
Anna Mayr (9.5 hours in school)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hours Received Nov 15th

Greg Barr (6 hours in school)
Rohini Bhatia (1 hour in school)
Manu Anjanappa (2 hours in school)
Rachel Grier (4 hours in school)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Hours Received Nov 13th

Nick Shade (4 hours in school)
Ryan Haq (9.5 hours out of school)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Hours Received Nov 12th

Sai Divakaruni (3 hours in school)
Morgan Rich (6 hours in school)
Cindy Zhu (6 hours in school)

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hours Received Nov 7th

Rebecca Wilson (6 hours out of school)
Andy Tamburrino (3 hours out of school)
Emily Ranson (1 hour in school)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Hours Received November 5th

Derek Fleck (2 hours in school)
Chelsea Soobitsky (10 hours in school)
Brian Cheong (10 hours out of school)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Hours Received October 31st

Emily Ranson (2 hours in school)
Cara DiClemente (3.5 hours in school)
Sara Grove (2 hours out of school)
Andy Tamburrino (5 hours out of school)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Hours Received October 29th

Amanda Kovar (10 hours out of school)
Sandhya Patel (10 hours out of school)

Friday, October 26, 2007

Hours Received October 26th

Morgan Rich (4 hours in school)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hours Received October 24th

Sarah Khan (6 hours out of school)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Hours Received October 21st

From the HoCo Hospice:
Morgan Wallace (5 hours in school)
Tracie Ervin (5hours in school)
Jin Sol Yun (5 hours in school)
Jane Choe (5 hours in school)
Morgan Rich (5 hours in school)
Cindy Zhu (5 hours in school)
Lindsey Casal Roscum (5 hours in school)
Allie Birmingham (5 hours in school)
Madison Farruggia (5 hours in school)
Sarah Khan (2.5 hours in school)
Zach Lyons (2 hours in school)
Amanda Kovar (3 hours in school)

If there are errors, please send an email to mthnhs.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Received Hours Oct 18

Cindy Zhu In School- 4 hours
Laura Tschirgi In School- 2hours
Laura Tschirgi Out School- 3 hours

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Hours received October 9th

Leslie Carrese- 3 School
Emily Phillips- 6.5 School
David Shulman- 10 Non-school

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Induction Ceremony

Thank-you seniors for attending the Induction Ceremony!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

These are the most recent hours I have received and verified.

David Shulman (6.5 School)
Morgan Rich (5 School)
Amanda Kovar (2 School)
Tom Gorman (4 Non-school)